Saturday 5 May 2012

Europe Blog - Josh

On Tuesday, 17th April, our 14th day on the trip we began the day with a visit to the Musee D'Orsay. After a long and annoying wait in the pouring rain being forced to listen to 'gypsies' yell "umbrellaumbrellaumbrella!" repeatedly we finally made our way inside the vast building that was formerly used as a train station. The walkways through the sprawling central space was fill with sculpture carved from different stones and occasionally done in metal. The galleries were trough doorways that lead off of the walkways around the edge each into their own individual exhibits one of which was on Van Gogh. It was also interesting to find that one of the galleries was filled with wood carving, the majority of it assorted furniture but at the back there was an animal section with a polar bear carved out of what looked like marble, it seemed a little bit out of place but it looked wonderful.

The sculptures were definitely the standout of the Musee D'Orsay and after collecting possessions from the cloak-room and a small adventure through the two-story gift shop I think that most of us left satisfied with what we had seen.

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