The National Gallery
The dark gloomy clouds hung over us as we waited for the National Gallery to open. Everyone penguin huddled in a circle to keep our bodies warm from the harsh blizzard set upon us. Icicles started to form on the lids of people's eyes. Quickly we were becoming more and more susceptible to frost bite. Mateship was the only thing that allowed us to hang on to our dear lives. Then suddenly the doors started open, we were saved.
Ok so I might have over exaggerated a bit. Our visit to the National Gallery started like any other day. We caught the underground to Trafalgar Square and waited for the museum to open. When it did everyone seemed to enjoy the fantastic ride on the revolving doors. Some of the well-known paintings that we viewed included Baptism of Christ, Monet Snow in Argenteuil and The Rokeby Venus. After admiring the pieces we sat down for bite to eat in the gallery's restaurant. There we indulged in some beautiful food that made our taste buds say, "thank my bountiful master/mistress for allowing us to party with such food".
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